Bonnie Tyler - Din nyhedskilde til information om sangeren

Opdateret: 17-03-2007



Album: Natural Force
Sang: Baby Goodnight
Rækkefølge: 10
Skrevet/Komponeret:: Mike Heron


He knows the way right to me
Closer than my heartbeat he comes
Moving on my wavelength easy
When we've made love completely
Sleepy and soft he breathes
You melt me, you fill me

Baby goodnight
Baby goodnight
Simple words but they mean a lot to me
To fall asleep with your kiss warm on my lips

Baby goodnight
Baby goodnight
To wander in my dreams with you
Darling with you
And to feel your sweet loving set my spirit free
That's as good as a goodnight can be

Baby goodnight
Baby goodnight
Simple words but they mean a lot to me
To fall asleep with your kiss warm on my lips

Baby goodnight
Baby goodnight
He knows the way right to me
Closer than my heartbeat he comes
Moving on my wavelength easy
When we've made love completely
Sleepy and soft he breathes
You melt me, you fill me

Baby goodnight
Baby goodnight
Simple words but they mean a lot to me
To fall asleep with your kiss warm on my lips

Baby goodnight
Baby goodnight
And that's as good as a goodnight can be

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